Kingston Cast Bed
One of our latest beds, the Kingston is a more relaxed and less formal partner to our Surrey Bed. Some enhanced detail on our outer frame casting and a very different emblem casting sets this bed very much apart from the Surrey and many of our other beds.
Without doubt we believe this bed has the perfect combination of castings in terms of complimenting detail, size and balance.

Bed Specifications
The head height of the Kingston Bed is at our standard height of
1230 mm (123cm)
Available as:
Standard foot = 1000 mm (100 cm).
Intermediate foot = 800 mm (80 cm)
Low foot = 600 mm (60 cm)
& No foot option
Clearance under bed at sides is standard 350mm (35 cm)
Pricing and Sizing
Our Kingston Cast Iron Bed is available in all bed sizes from Single through to King size, as a standard bed, low foot bed and no foot bed.
Single (Standard and Intermediate Foot) $1500
Single (Low and No Foot). $1350
King Single (Standard and
Intermediate Foot) $1550
King Single (Low and No Foot). $1400
Double (Standard and Intermediate Foot) $2100
Double (Low and No Foot). $1900
Queen (Standard and Intermediate Foot) $2200
Queen (Low and No Foot). $2000
King (Standard and Intermediate Foot) $2400
King (Low and No Foot). $2200

Casting Detail