Surrey Cast Bed
The Surrey shares our newest shoulder and panel castings with the Dover & Kent beds. Unique to the Surrey is the feature centre emblem castings with more closely aligned vertical bars in the insert panel.
The panel castings have their origin in our original Oxley bed (now re-born as our Sussex bed) however, for the Surrey, Kent and Dover, we have reduced the thickness of these castings slightly. Our new moulds for these beds have produced incredible detail in the finished castings. Their size and balance is in perfect proportion to the bed frames. Along with our Ascot, the Surrey is one of our most popular beds in Queen and King size.
Bed Specifications
The head height of the Surrey Bed is at our taller height of
1230 mm (123cm)
Available as:
Standard foot = 1000 mm (100 cm).
Intermediate foot = 800 mm (80 cm)
Low foot = 600 mm (60 cm)
& No foot option
Clearance under bed at sides is standard 350mm (35 cm)
Pricing and Sizing
The Surrey is available in all sizes from Single through to King size.
Single (Standard and Intermediate Foot) $1450
Single (Low and No Foot) $1300
King Single (Standard and
Intermediate Foot) $1500
King Single (Low and No Foot) $1350
Double (Standard and Intermediate Foot) $2000
Double (Low and No Foot) $1800
Queen (Standard and Intermediate Foot) $2100
Queen (Low and No Foot). $1900
King (Standard and Intermediate Foot) $2350
King (Low and No Foot). $2150